Itch is a Bitch Balm

Thrush is no joking matter it’s enough to drive you mad when you get a flare up. This balm is packed with herbs that will help cool and naturally ease the irritation without unbalancing anything in your vagina.

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Thrush is no joking matter it’s enough to drive you mad when you get a flare up. This balm is packed with herbs that will help to naturally treat but also ease and soothe the irritation without unbalancing anything in your vagina. Apply as often as required, can be kept in the fridge for extra cooling benefits.

Ingredients: Plantain, Calendula, Lavender Essential Oil, Thyme Essential Oil, Olive Oil, Shea Butter & Bees Wax

Comes in 30ml and 60ml tubs of calmness

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30ml, 60ml