Welcome to our sassy herb collection, the names of our products are to entice a smile or better yet a hearty laugh. Life is serious enough so why not let your herbs make your day start with a giggle and a bit of straight talking?
You will find potions, teas and balms to help with all period woes wherever you are along that road, but I have used my herbalista powers for all kinds of other ailments too.
Just select an area and see all of the fantastic creations we have put together to kick start your journey to a more healthy you, or simply search for the potion below.
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I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me hope. I bought your potion, 'Love Your Labia' and there is life after menopause after all!
I've been taking 'Sweet Dreams, Made with Ease' for insomnia and it has helped me so much.
If you are struggling to sleep, I highly recommend.
My daughter has been taking 'Fuck That Shit' for a couple of weeks now and she is like a different girl.
Yesterday she asked her dad if he wanted to go for a walk and then she came home and started baking a cake. She's been awake for an hour already this morning.
3 weeks ago she couldn't move from the bed-sofa and hardly ever got out of her PJs.
I am so grateful that I saw your post and she has her life back again.
I seriously love you! I have been taking 'Fuck That Shit' yesterday and today. Normally, my heart would be racing when dealing with a very grumpy small person, but not today. I am chilled and have no fucks to give.
You are bloody amazing at what you do.
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