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The book that will put you in control of your cycle & hormones

This book is the biology (and feminist politics) lesson you never had at school. It will lead to a deeper understanding of your body, and tells you how you can put yourself back in the driving seat – naturally.

Gemma spent 15 years as an NHS nurse before qualifying as a herbalist, abdominal massage therapist and mindfulness teacher after she received a diagnosis of Endometriosis. She brings her unique mix of both traditional and holistic medicines to the table to show you what options you have to improve your health and wellbeing. Gemma also explores: how the taboos surrounding periods may actually be harming your menstrual health, commonly experienced barriers to medical help, and dives deep into the potential causes of period pain, including toxic products and stress.

"Brilliant! So much useful information that I wish I'd known 20 years ago!"
Harriet c

Available to pre-order now, and released on 14th November 2023, my new book is packed with information to help you get your period and hormones flowing healthily!

Here’s an extract to give you an idea of what it’s about:

“Pain has been normalised when it comes to period health – it
is so enmeshed in our experience. No one sees it as a major
problem that we just carry on regardless, and this is having
detrimental effects on our everyday lives. Dealing with pain and all the other fanny admin that comes with feral periods and raging hormones means that all facets of our lives get affected, our well- being plummets, and we start to wonder if we are making this up.
I want you to be your own advocate. I will give you practical
tips – things you can use to become your own detective about
your hormonal health and, above all else, make you realise that
periods aren’t meant to bloody hurt, and it’s a problem if they do!”