How Can You Actually Help Balance Your Hormones?

All the thoughts of “new year, new you” and other such messages? I call utter bollocks on it all. If only the changing of a date from one year to the next was the elixir to all our woes… I mean, I bloody wish it was, but when it comes to balancing your hormones and improving your menstrual cycle, there isn't a quick fix magic wand. A New Years resolution is unlikely to cut it. It takes showing up consistently as part of an ongoing process to make the changes. 

Perhaps you wanted to get your health and periods sorted out last year, but never really got around to it. Perhaps you sat on the fence about booking in with me, thinking, “Can she really help me?” (YES!) or maybe you were tempted by an online advert and wondered, “Should I buy that £90 grounding mat thingy that says it cures everything from PCOS to diabetes?” (NO!)

If you really want to help yourself, you’re going to need to take the first step and then consistently put one foot in front of the other. Working with me is a really simple way of doing exactly that because I will walk with you, side-by-side, throughout the process to help you get to where you need to be - a place of hormonal wellness (which coincidentally is also a place of emotional wellness.)

We’ll look at nutrition, exercise, stress, and frame of mind when it comes to your lifestyle, work, relationships and so much more, because all these things affect the way your hormones work. We’ll use herbs and potions to help nudge your body in the right direction. We’ll cross Ts and dot Is in understanding how everything in your body works together, how it’s all playing out as a whole and what’s happening with your hormones and your cycle as a result.

There are now lots of different ways to work with me, and the newest addition to my offering is my new online membership programme. Hormonal Alchemy is an excellent platform where you can pay monthly to work with me, alongside some other fabulous women. I feel really excited to be launching this on January 7th 2025 and I’m even more excited to see all of the members benefit from it as their hormonal health and wellness improves.


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Hormone-Balancing Hot Chocolate