Gemma Barry - Author, Speaker
& Menstrual Health Specialist

What I do

I worked as a nurse for 15 years in busy London hospitals. Following my own health issues around my period and all that I learned from that, I became disillusioned with my work and decided to take matters into my own hands. I set up The Well Woman Project, a space designed to support and maintain optimal menstrual health for women.

I work closely with women who struggle with period pain, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, PCOS, PMDD and all sorts of other period-related issues. I help them to empower themselves and take back control of their body, to get the diagnosis they need, and to improve their health.

I’ve written a book about all this, I give talks at colleges, workplaces and universities, I speak on radio shows and podcasts. I do all this because I really know my stuff and it is my mission in life to use my hybrid knowledge of standard medical shizzle and more holistic, natural approaches to help other women.

My Story

For over 10 years, I experienced horrid symptoms. I tried to ignore them, powered through and believed it was all just part of being a woman. Over time, though, I came to realise that my body was trying to tell me that something was wrong.

I approached several health professionals. I explained that my cycle was often painful, that I bled very heavily and that it was completely irregular. I always came away from those conversations feeling fobbed off and dismissed. Eventually, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I read everything I could on the subject of periods and hormones. What I discovered blew my mind. Why had I never known about this information? Why had nobody shared this? Why are women presented with such limited choices and told to put up with life-destroying symptoms?

I was furious, but empowered too - I knew I could make changes to improve my health. I trained in Mizan Abdominal Therapy and began studying Herbology. I implemented changes and saw the benefits immediately. At around the same time, I finally got a diagnosis. I had a large cyst on my ovary that needed to be surgically removed. I also had Fibroids, Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. It was a bummer, but between the Mizan training, the herbs and all the reading I had done, I had the confidence to say ‘no’ to the treatment plan I was offered: hormone treatment and a hysterectomy. I did things my way, and it worked.

Some Important Things to Know

These are things I’m good at:

Listening, understanding medical speak (I used to be a nurse), reading periods (I bet not many people can put that on their CV!) working out what you body needs, putting together the right herbs and potions to help, telling it how it is, laughing and making other people laugh

These are things I’m not so great at:

Spelling and grammar, putting up with patriarchal bullshit, not swearing

This is my approach to hormones & menstrual health:

  1. I actually listen to you and hear what you say about all your symptoms and how it is affecting your day-to-day living.

  2. I don’t fob you off with anti-depressants, synthetic hormones or painkillers. I actually try and work out, with you, what you and your body actually need. 

  3. I take a holistic approach, AND I use my medical background to make an informed diagnosis. And I get it right 99% of the time.

This is what you can expect from me:

I’ll present you with clear information to help you make informed choices about what is right for you, your body and your wellbeing, and I can help support you in putting things into action that actually help and make a difference to your menstrual health.

Pick my brain…

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