However it shows up for you, PMT doesn’t need to control your life

At one end of the PMT spectrum is a kind of irritability that lasts a few days and at the other end is a full on nosedive into the abyss of PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) that can be bloody terrifying. Wherever you are on that spectrum, if it is disrupting your day-to-day living, then it needs some attention.

But PMT is normal, right?

PMT has been normalised to the detriment of nearly all women. Even more serious cases of PMT and PMDD are often approached with seemingly harmless banter and eye-rolling.

But light-hearted banter or a brush off from the doctor doesn’t meant that it’s normal to be raging and crying in the run up to our periods, and it doesn’t mean you have to put up with it and struggle. PMT is not ‘normal’, it is an indication that something is a little (or a lot) amiss. I do have some great tinctures and potions that can help restore a little balance, but if you suffer from severe symptoms or PMDD then please contact me and let’s try and get to the bottom of that as soon as possible because it’s so important - YOU are so important.

But why am I suffering from PMT?

Your emotional plunge is telling you something – it really is. We have been well-trained to ignore the so-called negative emotions like anger, sadness, depression, grief and frustration, but they are all there bubbling away underneath the surface trying to help point us in a better direction.

Once we tune in a little, we can start to respond by getting our hormones in balance, re-assessing our needs and evaluating our external stresses as well as our nutrition.

It sounds simple, and it is, but sometimes it is also really hard to make the changes we need to make because of things like jobs, family commitments, financial constraints and so on. That’s where I come in, because making lasting, effective changes often needs support, guidance and encouragement.