The Unsung Hero of Period Pain: Cramp Bark
Let’s talk about cramp bark. If you’ve never heard of it, I’m about to introduce you to your new best mate. If you have heard of it but haven’t tried it, you’re missing out. And if you’ve tried it, then I hope this makes you head to my shop to get yourself some.
Period pain is no fun, it is something that we are all too used to but it has been normalised so much we almost expect it and don't even question if perhaps it could not have such a starring role each month.
Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) is a herb that does exactly what it says on the tin—it stops cramps. Found growing in hedgerows, this little powerhouse has been used for centuries to help with everything from period pain to muscle spasms and even labour contractions.
Cramp bark is a natural muscle relaxant. It helps to ease the tension in the smooth muscle of the uterus, meaning those vice-like contractions that have you swearing at your own organs start to chill out. It’s packed full of compounds that help relieve spasms, reduce inflammation, and generally tell your womb to stand down.
Because you deserve better than suffering through period pain like it’s some kind of medieval endurance test. Cramp bark is one of the key ingredients in my Calm the Cramps potion, and for good reason—it bloody works. If you’re fed up with popping ibuprofen like Smarties and still feeling like your uterus is possessed, it’s time to give the natural route a go.
Plus, let’s face it—period pain is a feminist issue. We’ve been gaslit for centuries into thinking that excruciating cramps are just ‘part of being a woman.’ Bollocks to that. Your pain is real, and there are actual solutions that don’t involve suffering in silence. Cramp bark is one of them.
If you fancy going full hedge witch, you can brew up a tea with cramp bark, but let me warn you—it tastes like the disappointment of a cancelled holiday. That’s why I put it in my Calm the Cramps potion, blended with other glorious herbs to get the job done without the suffering (because we’ve had enough of that, thanks). A few drops under the tongue or in a bit of water, and you’ll start feeling human again.
Cramp bark is the uterus whisperer you didn’t know you needed. It’s been used for centuries, it’s backed by science, and it actually works. So if you’re tired of feeling like you’re being stabbed from the inside every month, do yourself a favour and give it a try. Your uterus will thank you.
Ready to break up with period pain? Grab a bottle of Calm the Cramps and let cramp bark work its magic. Because suffering is so last century.